Called to Covenant

Feb 16, 2025    Tyler Gorsline

In this powerful exploration of covenant, we dive deep into the heart of God's relationship with His people. The central focus is on Abraham's covenant, a pivotal moment in Genesis that shapes the entire narrative of Scripture. We're challenged to move beyond a contractual mindset with God, where we seek only benefits, to a covenantal relationship of full commitment. Just as Abraham was called to leave everything familiar and trust God completely, we too are invited into a journey of faith that requires our whole lives. The parallels between Abraham's story and our own are striking - God calls us to be blessed so that we can bless others, to be chosen so that we can choose others. This message urges us to embrace the transformative power of covenant, reminding us that in saying 'yes' to God's call, even when we can't see the future, we open ourselves to a destiny far greater than we could imagine. As we reflect on this, we're prompted to examine our own relationship with God - are we living contractually or covenantally? The answer to this question could radically reshape our faith journey.